Financiamiento privado para investigación y desarrollo.


  • Arrau, Patricio (1994) "Fondos de pensiones y desarrollo del mercado de capitales en Chile: 1980-1993", Serie de financiamiento para el desarrollo, CEPAL.

  • Bernstein, J. and M. Ishaq Nadiri (1989), "Research and Development and Intraindustry Spillovers: An Empirical Application of Dynamic Duality", RES 56, 249-269.

  • Cohen, Linda (1994), "when can government Subsidize Research Joint Ventures? Politics, Economics, end Limits to Technology Policy", AER 94(2): 159-163.

  • Grossman, G. (1989) "Promoting New Industrial Activities: a Survey of Recent Arguments and Evidence", mimeo, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University.

  • OECD (1993) "National Systems for Financing Innovation", Working Group on Innovation and Technology, Committee for Science and Technology and Industry, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

  • Sahlman, W.A. (1990) "Insights from the American Venture Capital Organization", mimeo.

  • Stiglitz (1993) "The Role of the State in Financial Markets", World Bank, Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Developments Economics 1993.